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We help companies identify and build paths to revenue growth through strategy.

Identify New Revenue Streams - Capture Non-Customers - Grow Market Share 

Rise Above

the Noise


Market Growth

Meet Real Customer Needs

It Starts With Strategy.

The market is crowded with a sea of competitors. You've got to figure out how to consistently rise above the noise, create new markets and capture non-customers.

We help you form strategies for growth beyond marketing + brand awareness.

Women Doing Well
Extra Mile Billing
Christ Fellowship
The Cradle Coach
Melhorn Architecture + Construction
Who We Are

Let's Solve Meaningful Problems, Together.

Build models that aren’t dependent upon competing,

but capturing new markets.


Establish business models that are less affected by market volatility.


Create unique experiences that people don’t want to go without.

What We Do

What Is Your Current Greatest Need?

Identity based strategy

Product + Service Strategy

We help you design end to end

product + service experiences that meet customers’ genuine needs at every touchpoint.


Company + Brand Strategy

We work with you to translate the leadership teams' desires to create the future. 

Together, we unify the suite of offerings and identify key partnerships to help you get there.



Strategy Audit

If you need to: 

Dig deeper into who your customer is, how you connect with them personally, and how it matches up to your offerings and current marketing strategy around those offerings. We identify a plan to bridge any gaps.




If you need to:

Create new markets, capture non-customers, and expand paths to revenue streams.

We guide your team through a series of workshops to drive revenue growth.




If you need to:

Identify short and long term projects, and mobilize your team to execute on driving revenue growth.

 The end goal here is to fire ourselves and equip your team with the tools they need to build an iterative cycle of innovation into your company.

Here's How

There are people waiting to work with you, they just need to be told what it is, why they can't live without it, where they can reach you, when the timing is right, and how they'll experience what you offer.


Who Is This For?

(It's for you.)


Start Ups



Medium Size Businesses





Retail Businesses

If you need to grow your business, you need StoryWork.


Why Makes StoryWork Different?

Strategy, Simplified.

Just need one piece of the process? We have a solution. 

User Personas

A Day in the Life

Truly understand 

who you serve + how you meet their deepest needs.



Identify all possible partnerships and current non customers, creating ways to expand reach.

Business Model


A snapshot of the business, that translates into a focused plan for growth.

Deliver delight to your customers through every touchpoint of the experience, creating raving fans.

Website Wireframes, Social Media Content Plans, Email Campaign Content, Pitch Decks





Why StoryWork

Why StoryWork?

We Make Strategy Approachable For ALL Companies 

We Focus On The WHO First + Develop All Else From It

We Make The Consulting model Transparent

How Can You Out Love Your Competitors?

We love people first, and then we worry about the rest.

Motives, then movement.

We help people love people and make money doing what they love. We help people outlove their competitors. Love isn’t fluffy, love means meeting real needs and solving real problems, love means discerning what people want and finding ways to give it to them.


We love on all levels, we love the companies we serve first through our non bloated business model, and through our process allow them to figure out the best ways to love their customers. 


We hear a lot about a human centric approach and human centered design; we believe these are all just fancy terms for loving your customer more than all the others in your market.


Forget about competitors, forget about “the market”, what about just loving people? What about just literally walking a day in their shoes and feeling what they feel, and meeting and solving those needs and problems through what you offer? And then communicating it to them how you would want to be communicated with? It’s not rocket science, but it is hard to do.


Because to do it, you first have to feel, then you have to discern, then you have to simplify - and that's why we're here, we love walking through this journey with people and companies. 

Through the SW process, you will:

1. Build an innovation machine within your team, so you can continuously ask the right questions, together, to keep up with the constantly changing landscape. 

2. Fill in all of the missing pieces to your strategy, bridge any gaps that exist in what you offer, how you offer it, where you sell it, who you sell it to, and how the ecosystem around you can help you move to the next level. 

3. Grow your business and have a map to maintain that growth. 

We all need clarity. Once you know your strategy - your company will grow. Companies that understand their strategy from a people-loving lens win. Schedule your call and let's get started on building your map. Why? Because There are people waiting to work with you, they just need to be told what it is, why they can't live without it, where they can reach you, when the timing is right, and how they'll experience what you offer.

About Lauren

Lauren Shippy

Lauren Shippy

Lauren has a background in building, evaluating and consulting with startups across multiple sectors. She co-leads a family investment office and provides strategy to companies of all sizes through StoryWork. She has been a part of building a private equity real estate firm, and served as the COO for multiple startups.

She now collaborates with leaders in every area of strategy to design impactful business models and experiences. Lauren has a passion for identifying the underlying dynamics of people, products and experiences, and leveraging value chains to create new markets for companies. She is a wife, mom of 2, MBA, and a lover of team whiteboard sessions.

About Us
We often rely on marketing companies to generate our message without deeply understanding who we're serving and how we can best reach them through a strategy first.

The strategy work that we do is the precursor to any marketing, branding, and channel development. 


We help companies understand not only who they serve, but the most effective channels, partnerships and ecosystems that they are a part of. This builds new paths to revenue. This puts companies on the map.


Do you know where you're going and why you're headed there? Do you have a solid future map for your company? That's why we're here - to help you create the map. 

Why We're Different

What They Say
Melissa Perry

Melissa Perry,

The Cradle Coach

Working with Lauren completely changed my business and has taken it to another level! She gave me the framework I needed to grow our company and guided me with a step by step action plan to execute my vision. The process was incredibly well-planned and targeted to our needs. Whether you are savvy or a novice entrepreneur, working with Lauren is invaluable. I am so grateful for her knowledge and insight.

Mike Gonzalez

Mike Gonzalez,

Perfect HQ

As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to spend most of your time working in your business rather than on your business. The Storywork process is fun and very insightful. Each working session I gained clarity and was able to put the perspectives I learned into practice - immediately. Lauren’s guidance and ability to ask the right questions, and dig beneath the years of data we had, gave me the accountability I needed to incorporate our “why” into every layer of the brand. 

Jessica Jeans

Jessica Jeans,
Guided by Grace

Lauren represents solid leadership in Palm Beach County. She has a goldmine of knowledge and unique skills to share with the world. Instead of trying and risk failing at business, I strongly recommend the investment of your time and resources to get this knowledge in your business plan. Lauren also adds great value to my personal life, as I learn to structure my energy and work more efficiently. This brings me more profit and impact in my personal and professional mission. Lauren's character is sound, and she is humble. I love learning from her as it is like a breath of fresh air, hearing the way she connects wisdom with tangible tools and strategy.

Why We're Different
The Investment

How Much Does This Cost?

How much is lack of clarity on the future map of your business costing you? How many potential customers are out there waiting to be captured but can't because your business in operating in a red ocean full of competitors? How many people are passing up on your offerings because they haven't been clarified or don't meet their deepest needs? There is a cost associated with each of these factors, and there isn't time to wait.
New revenue streams and solutions to problems are waiting, let's figure it out together. 

Consultants Charge Hard to Understand Fees, We're Here to Change that. 

What if you didn’t have to worry about unlimited consultant costs?

What if there were complete transparency about what your engagement is going to look like and the outcomes that you’re going to reach for a set price?

  • We don’t just tell you what you already know, we take what you already know and spin it around like a rubix cube until we create new value. 

  • Not esoteric concepts, real deliverables and outcomes that drive initiatives.

  • We track our time hourly and if we’re under time, we credit back your account, and if we’re overtime, it’s on us. 

  • We have channel partners that support our work so we don’t carry unnecessary overhead costs

  • We don't specialize in a particular industry, because we add more value by working across industries. 

  • No unlimited retainers, we like to fire ourselves if we’ve done our job right. 

Through The StoryWork Process, You Will:


eliminate holes

Fill in all of the missing pieces of your strategy, bridge any gaps that exist with your offerings, how you offer it, where you sell it, who you sell it to, and how the ecosystem around you can help you move to the next level.


build in innovation

Build an innovation machine within your team, so you can continously ask the right questions, together, to keep up with the ever changing landscape.


reach new heights

Grow your business and have a map to do it.

We all need clarity.
Once you know your strategy, your company will grow.
Companies that understand their strategy from a people-loving lens win. Schedule your call and let’s get started on building your map. Why? Because there are people waiting to work with you, they just need to be told what it is, why they can’t live without it, where they can reach you, when the timing is right, and how they’ll experience what you offer.
We Love Sharing What We Learn.
Sign Up Here, No Junk, We Promise.
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