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Is your Circle of Influence Shrinking or Sharpening?

Kim Gomez shares:

I love events - planning, gathering, connecting. That all came to a screeching halt in early March. So I started compulsively planning events in my own home with my adult family of 6.

For a minute, every dinner was an “extravaganza”, every boat ride was full of music, food and excitement and there was an inordinate amount of FaceTiming going on. What I thought was happening and what I was honestly afraid of, is that my circle of influence was shrinking! For an Enneagram 7 extrovert, that’s alarming in every way.

On top of that, as an Entrepreneur in the Non-Profit Arena, all of our outreach facilities were shut down; strip clubs closed, no visitors at the juvenile detention centers and jails, limited Church gatherings, and no large events permitted. This lack of ministry opportunity was highly concerning because there is increased need amongst the increased silence. Every business and non-profit has had to be creative to adapt to these current conditions. Thankfully, even though our ministry is not allowed to enter the detention facility, we have been approved to drop off items for the incarcerated young women in West Palm Beach. The Epic Beauty team weekly brings a bag full of Pink Bibles, I Am A Masterpiece Curriculum, snacks, puzzles, journals and notes of encouragement - a creative way to support the people we serve.

As the lockdown (stay-at-home-order) dragged on, the idea around “circle of influence” was on my mind…. I sat with it daily and looked at it from different perspectives. The entire planet feels crazy and most everyone has A LOT to say about it and it’s really easy to feel isolated and ineffective right now. Pretty sure I’m not alone as businesses, students, local leaders and individuals all have struggled with staying healthy and being ready for the next thing, whatever that is.

So professionally and personally I’ve taken a step back and looked closely at my circle of influence. I’ve fine tuned it and it’s come into focus. It’s not as broad as it was and not as extensive as it’s going to be again, but for right now, I am fully focused on the areas that I do have influence. It begins with myself. I have influence on my own thoughts and actions, my family, my friends, and my ministry.

As Entrepreneurs, now more than ever, we have a leader’s opportunity to hone our skills by leaning in to those areas where we have an impact. It’s really easy right now to feel INEFFECTIVE. But don’t! You’re not alone, the entire world is feeling this shift.

You are not ineffective.

You have influence, value and purpose.

The saying “nobody knows” has never been more true and this season will force us to grow.

Trials strengthen and refine us.

Circumstances may help determine the size and growth rate of our influence but YOU always get to determine the content.

About the Author:

Kim Gomez has enjoyed living in Northern Palm Beach County for 25 years, raising her family alongside her husband Robert. Kim & Rob own and manage a Construction Firm, specializing in upscale custom homes. Kim’s passion for events, leadership, writing, ministry and helping women embrace their value & purpose has energized her role as Executive Director of Epic Beauty. Epic Beauty is a non-profit organization that serves women caught up in the adult entertainment industry as well as serving incarcerated women and girls.

For more information on Epic Beauty, visit them here.


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