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Consider the Return.

I read a Dave Hollis quote this week that stopped me in my tracks.

“In the rush to return to normal, use this time to consider which parts of normal are worth rushing back to."

Sure, it’s an insightful quote. If you read it enough times, it hits you like a ton of bricks as you start to consider how much you pack into your day. However, while many are experiencing a slowdown, I’m experiencing marathons at a sprinters pace. It’s easy to get overwhelmed, throw to-do lists and routine out the window and lose track of goals. Philanthropy, and communications consulting work is in high demand. I feel lucky in some ways. Obviously, I’m grateful. I know many are having to make tough financial and personal choices at this time. I don’t want to ignore or downplay the heaviness of that. I do know that this situation is having many effects on all of us, in lots of different ways. For me, it’s having a profound effect on my mental state. How I process information, the filter I place on my decision making, and certainly, in my mom-brain as my toddlers ask for their 16th meal of the day, it’s really easy to forget the macro-level work that my business needs to survive. 

So, when I read Dave’s quote, I took a breath and stopped to consider it. I would encourage you to do the same. However, it’s a REALLY LOADED QUESTION. I struggled to jump straight to the answers. I had to ask myself a few more to get in the headspace to consider why the words hit me so hard, and what, in my life, isn’t worth running back to. 

I’m working through a course right now and the subject matter this week was about asking what we need to forgive, receive grace, and accept. At first, I didn’t make the connection to the Dave Hollis quote, but once I dug a little deeper, it was right there, staring me in the face. Coincidence? I think not. Sometimes, even in the most unexpected of moments…we are gifted an avenue to do the work we need to do in order to break through our barriers.

Even in the midst of doing work that we find important and fulfilling, it’s an important practice to slow down to consider where we find our joy. It’s a good time to evaluate what motivates you. Join me in this exercise and take a moment to journal on these questions: 

  • What do I really love doing? 

  • What do I not enjoy, but I need to learn to accept it as a necessary part of building my business? 

    • Can I delegate parts of this? 

    • Should I make this to-do item number one for the day so I commit to conquering it? 

  • Let’s dig deeper….what do I need to forgive (either your own actions or those of someone else), receive grace, and accept? It can look a little like this: 

    • I am willing to forgive this past mistake/issue/event because…. 

    • I receive grace for my role in that because…

    • I am willing to radically accept my role in this because it taught me… 

  • Now, because of those things you’ve just decided to accept, what action do you need to take?

    • How does that change your course? 

  • Have your priorities come into a clear view? 

  • Revisit your 2020 goals, what needs to shift? 

    • Underline the words or phrases that stick out to you now. 

  • Reset your intentions, come up with 3 words to use as your litmus test. 

  • If an activity or goal doesn’t align with those 3 words…ask yourself “Is this really worth running back to?”

I wish you well, both in this exercise, and in your health. I hope we all look back at this unprecedented time and honor the grief that it caused and the lessons it leaves with us. 

Jean Boen is the founder of J. Roberts Consulting - she is a true thought leader and we are so grateful for her sharing her wisdom. She loves to tell stories. Whether that's using a digital platform, print, or a good old-fashioned conversation. She's a connector, passionate about helping others find their voice and share their story.


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