Guest Blogger Kim Gomez shares:
Writing an entrepreneurial blog in the midst of a global pandemic/shutdown is challenging.
The last 7 months, my professional life has been S.L.O.W. This unfamiliar blend of slow, distant, quiet and disconnected, has at times revealed powerful thought-provoking clarity.
Paradoxically, that clarity prompted a lot of questions…
As a society, working our way through Phase 1, 2 and 3, I find myself “peeking through the proverbial curtains to see what life is like out there”. My go-to reaction is to throw the curtains back and run screaming into the melee of whatever is going on out there, as long as I’m with lots of people and we’re doing SOMETHING. I’ve fallen for that temptation before and it doesn’t usually end well. I’m trying to be wise, not to revert. Trying to be stronger and kinder and calmer than ever before.
A lot happened during COVID. Personally, I read lots of good and powerful books, had long conversations with small groups of friends gathered around the dinner table (outside). There were hours spent on the sofa talking with my husband about the Gospel message we heard at Church (on TV). Fantastic one on one talks with close friends. Long hikes that allowed my creative self to connect to the overwhelmingly wonderful Creator. He taught me more about myself and Himself.
There was also the new grandbaby! Then there was that week in Pediatric Intensive Care with that same precious 10 day old grandbaby. That was the hardest. We sold our house, bought another one, adult son moved out, brought in new leadership for my ministry position and am expanding my local faith community. There’s been a bit of loneliness, fear, lots of ugly politics, too many opinions…. These lists go on don’t they?
Back to that moment of clarity that prompted so many questions…
What touches my deepest desires?
What’s the terrain of my heart and soul?
What do I enjoy talking about?
When have I felt the most needed?
What pains am I willing to tolerate?
What would I do if I wasn’t afraid?
What legacy do I want to leave?
Who am I called to today?
To be honest, quarantine taught me that busy wasn’t working. I want the kind of life/vocation that keeps my heart and soul awake every day.
Most of us get better as we go. Ask yourself these questions. Give your mind and emotions some space to answer them. Stay grounded to the foundation that has brought you to where you are but let the sun shine on you and your business at a different angle. Enjoy a fresh perspective.
Kim Gomez